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Instructions on how to 
join the Community

To join the community, you must first download the "Spaces by Wix" app from the app store or the Google play store. The application can be logged in using Facebook or Google ID.


When joining the community, use your own name and / or the email address you used to apply for jobs at Eezy United. We review all community applicants before accepting them.


You can then join from the link below:


Join "Eezy United" on the Spaces by Wix App


In the future, the application will include all on-demand work as well as other recruitments, such as direct recruiting. These jobs will appear in the Forum section. In order to receive notifications about jobs posted on the forum, you need to start tracking jobs. It works when you go to the forum section of the app and press follow the jobs.  From the image below you can see the surrounded button where you can follow the publications, so make sure “follow” is selected! If you want to react quickly to on-demand jobs, you should also make sure that notifications are turned on in the settings 👌😊


There will also always be some "membership benefits" in the app, so make sure you follow all sections!


In the blog section you can read the employment stories of the athletes!

United - Urheilijaforum
United Urheilijaforum
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